Speech Language Pathologist Certification and Licensing

In most states, speech language pathologists need licensing. Licensing requirements may differ depending on whether you want to work in a health care or school setting (though this is not the case in all states). Check your state board – you can find a link through the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). You can also find out if there are additional classes required for school personnel. Schools are well versed on local requirements. You’ll have the opportunity to incorporate the education classes into your basic program if you attend an in-state school.

Become a Speech Language Pathologist

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Generally, speech language pathology licensure requires graduation from an accredited program, completion of a fellowship, and passing scores on a national certifying exam. Your fellowship will take a little less than a year if you choose the full-time option. At the close of your fellowship year, you can take the ASHA certifying exam. ASHA will also review your credentials. Earning your Certificate of Clinical Competence through ASHA will put you well on the way to state licensure.

It takes thirty Certificate Maintenance Hours during each renewal period to maintain your certification. You’ll want to check the site of your state board to see if there are different requirements for license maintenance.
Some professionals seek additional credentials to distinguish themselves. You can seek specialty recognition in fluency, child language, or swallowing disorders. Specialty credentials can be useful for self-employed practitioners who are seeking clients. Some career ladders also take them into account.