Texas Radiologic Technologist Schools

If you are interested in becoming a medical radiologic technologist in Texas, you’ll need to enroll in a program that meets credentialing requirements. It should be accredited by JRCERT and/or housed in a regionally accredited college. Most of the state’s accredited radiology technology programs are at the associate level. There are some certificate programs as well. If you are considering a certificate program, be aware that beginning in 2015, the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists will only certify candidates who have a degree at the associate’s level or higher; it will still be acceptable to earn a certificate in radiology technology and a degree in some other subject.
You will work as an intern while you’re completing your degree. For this, you’ll need a background check.

You can seek out other professional development activities, if you choose. As a member of the Texas Society of Radiologic Technologists, you can try on leadership roles and participate in competitions. When it comes time to seek employment, you may want to use their job board or search for jobs on the Texas workforce site.

Before you can be licensed as a radiographer, you must be certified by the ARRT or, at the least, pass the ARRT examination in radiography. You can work under a temporary general license, though, while you’re in the process of meeting this last requirement. You can take steps toward exam registration when you’re in the final months of the program. (You can get your temporary permit from the Texas board either after graduation or when you’re within 28 days of graduation.) If you have been licensed in another jurisdiction, you may apply for provisional or temporary licensing, depending on your circumstances.

Limited Licensing and Registration – TX

The Texas Department of State Health Services also issues limited certificates in cardiovascular, spine, skull, chest, extremities, chiropractic, and podiatric radiography. You will need to complete a board-approved limited radiography program and take an exam in limited scope radiography.

Health care workers who have neither full nor limited certification may perform a limited number of procedures that are considered nonhazardous while under supervision. Registration is still required. On the site of the Texas board, you’ll find a chart that shown allowable procedures for individuals with different types of credential. Depending on the type of work you do, you may go through the Board of Medical Examiners, Podiatric Medical Examiners, Chiropractic Examiners, or Dental Examiners.

Be aware that your level of licensing will have a big impact on future job options.

Career Outlook for Radiologic Technologists in Texas

The Texas workforce site lists radiologic technician as a “hot job”. 2008 to 2018 projections call for 26% growth in the radiology technology field.
Wages are solid. Radiology technologists in Texas enjoy a mean salary of $54,010, according to the BLS. The highest salaries are in the Dallas-Fort Worth areas. Here workers average between $58,000 and $59,000. Work setting and level of experience are important factors; specialty certifications can help.

Some areas of the state employ relatively more radiology technologists. Areas like Wichita Falls and Killeen-Temple-Fort Hood have a high concentration of workers, despite lower overall numbers. Of course some metropolitan areas have a huge number of workers by virtue of size. The Houston-Sugarland-Baytown metropolitan area is #6 in the nation with regard to total employment of radiology technologists. The greater Austin, San Antonio, and Dallas-Fort Worth areas also have large numbers of workers.

Texas Radiology Technology Licensing and Professional Organizations Contact Information

  • Licensing Agency: Texas Department of State Health Services

Click Here to visit their website.

  • Professional Organization: Texas Society of Radiologic Technologists

Click Here to visit the website

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