Ohio Radiologic Technologist Schools

Ohio licenses radiology technologists at multiple levels. The lower level of licensing is General X-ray Machine Operator. Some students become GXMOs en route to full licensure as radiographers.

Ohio Process for Full Licensure in Radiography

If you are seeking full licensure in radiography, you’ll begin by researching accredited programs. You can search on the site of the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. Programs take about two years. You may need to complete some prerequisite courses, though, before you apply.

Your program will take you out into the field, practicing radiology technology under the supervision of an experienced practitioner. This will be an opportunity to make professional contacts. You may also want to become a student member of the Ohio Society of Radiologic Technologists. You will get a chance to meet professionals who are working in the industry. Some radiology technology students also find the student competitions motivating.

You may be competent to perform basic x-rays long before graduation. When you’re in the last year of your program, you can apply for your machine operator license. An instructor or program director will need to verify that you have completed the required training for one or more of the following areas: spine, extremities, chest and abdomen, skull and sinus, podiatry, or bone densitometry. S/he’ll also verify that your training has covered basic radiography concepts like evaluating patients and keeping radiation exposure to a minimum.
At the close of the program, you’ll take the state licensing exam or the national certification exam.

If you’re already licensed in another state that has requirements that are set at least as high as Ohio’s, you may be granted a reciprocal license.

Limited Licensing

Some radiographers pursue GXMO licensing as an end goal. If this is your intent, you will need to enroll in a board-approved GXMO course. You will find didactic and clinical courses listed separately on the board site. You will need to have both forms of training. However, you can choose to do clinical training in just one area (for example, chest and abdomen) or you may opt for several. You will need to take the state GXMO examination.
If you’re going for limited licensing, you’ll want to scope out the job ads first (unless you’ve already begun a career in health care). If you already have health care training, limited x-ray licensing may help you move up the ranks. Some medical assistants opt for a GXMO license so they can do a little bit of everything in the medical back office – and so they can increase their earning potential.

Career Outlook for Radiologic Technologists in Ohio

Ohio’s radiology technologists enjoy an average salary of $50,950. They also have the comfort of knowing that there are a lot of jobs out there. Ohio has some premier health facilities that attract people from all over. Some people even consider health care to be an export industry within the state. That can be an advantage if you’re looking for a job — at least in some cities. Several Ohio metropolitan areas are in the top ten when it comes to location quotient. (This is based on the number of radiology technology jobs per 1,000 jobs.)

Ohio’s population density means there are a lot of job openings. Ohio is one of a handful of states that boasts more than 10,000 workers employed in the radiology technology field.

Radiology Technology Licensing and Professional Organizations Contact Information

  • Licensing Agency: The Ohio Department of Health Radiologic Licensure

Click Here to visit their website.

  • Professional Organization: Ohio Society of Radiologic Technologists

Click Here to visit the website

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