Nebraska Radiologic Technologist Schools

In order to become a medical radiographer in Nebraska, you will need to complete an approved program. You should look for a school that meets the standards of the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists as you will eventually be applying to the ARRT for credentialing.

Programs take about two years of full-time study: a mixture of lecture, lab, and clinical experience. You’ll find opportunities to start building your career while you’re still a student. You’ll be out in actual health care facilities, making professional connections. For additional networking opportunity, you might opt for student membership in the Nebraska Society of Radiologic Technologists.

You can be licensed as a temporary radiographer while you’re still enrolled in your degree program. You are not required to have the license to do the supervised procedures that are required for your courses. Having it, though, may allow you to bring in a little income. You must have one year of the program completed and be currently enrolled. You are not licensed to do quite all the procedures — your duties will be restricted to those of a limited radiographer. You will submit the standard radiography application along with official educational documentation and the required fee. Before you can attain full licensure, you will need to take the ARRT examination in radiography.

You’ll need to provide a document that shows your age. Nebraska requires radiographers to be at least 19. (This is one year older than the minimum set by many other states.)
If you’re coming from another state, you will need to provide license verification from any state where you have held a health or environmental license. You should also show evidence of ARRT certification. You don’t necessarily need to have current registration with the ARRT (as long as your record is clean). You should be aware, however, that employers may ask for current registration.

Limited Radiography Licensing in Nebraska

Limited licensure is another option. As a limited radiographer, you cannot do CT, mammography, on contrast media. You may be licensed in one or more of the following: chest, skull and sinus, extremities, ankle and foot, spine, or abdomen. You will need to pass the core portion of the limited scope exam as well as modules specific to the parts of the body in which you will be performing x-rays.

If you have passed the spine portion, you may also be authorized to perform abdomen x-rays if it’s determined that the community would be in jeopardy otherwise. If your work site is located in an area that the Nebraska Rural Health Advisory Commission has designated as a medical shortage area, this is considered sufficient evidence.

Career Outlook for Radiologic Technologists in Nebraska

Radiology technology is a growing field nationwide. The mean radiology technology salary in Nebraska is $48,810. In most areas of the state, salary averages are between $48,000 and $50,000. The central Nebraska metropolitan area is a bit lower; here salaries average just $45,790. Location within the state is not the most important determiner of salary, however. It matters how much experience you have and what procedures you are adept at. Specialty hospitals and universities tend to pay well, but they can be very selective.

Licensing and Professional Organizations Contact Information

  • Licensing Agency: Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Medical Radiography

Click Here to visit their website.

  • Professional Organization:
    Nebraska Society of Radiologic Technologists

Click Here to visit the website

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