Idaho Radiologic Technologist Schools

One thing to consider about becoming a radiology technologist in Idaho is that Idaho does not license radiology technologists, so you should make your educational plans based on the requirements of local employers and the standards of nationally recognized organizations. Idaho employers generally ask that you be registered with the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT).

You should begin by enrolling in a program that is ARRT-approved; most of the state’s radiology technology programs are also JRCERT-accredited. You will have a choice of pursuing an Associate of Science or Associate of Applied Science degree. The A.A.S. will probably be the quicker route, but the A.S. may put you closer if you decide to go for a bachelor’s later.

You can expect a competitive process. You will generally be expected to take a few college classes before you apply to the program. Your grades will be given consideration, but the GPA expectations will vary from school to school. The process may also include an essay and/ or submission of references.

You can take part in professional activities while you are completing your degree. You may want to become a student member of Idaho Society of Radiologic Technologists.
Internships are a part of the standard curriculum, but also offer you an opportunity to distinguish yourself. They sometimes lead to permanent positions down the road. Your school will probably have partnerships with multiple health care facilities. As a health care worker, you will be expected to have certification in basic life support. JCAHO-accredited hospitals will require a background check.

You will take the ARRT certification exam after you’ve graduated. You may begin the application process when you’re in the final months of the program.

As your winding down, you’ll decide whether to seek full-time employment or continue your education. There are in-state bachelor’s programs. You have the option of completing a B.S. in a specialty like M.R.I. and simultaneously receiving preparation for ARRT specialty certification.

The ARRT offers specialty certifications in a number of areas. It is not necessary to have a bachelor’s degree to get a specialty certification, but there are additional clinical training requirements. Beginning in 2016, there will be a requirement for a small amount of structured education. A bachelor’s degree does more than give you specialized training, though; it can also be an advantage if you’re planning on pursuing managerial or clinical teaching positions later.

Idaho has a professional organization for MRI specialists, the Idaho Section for Magnetic Resonance Technologists.

Career Outlook

Idaho’s workforce site lists radiologic technologists and technicians among the state’s 100 hot jobs. The occupation has been projected to experience 28% growth between the years 2008 and 2018. This translates into about 35 job opening per year. The greatest concentration of workers is currently in the Pocatello area, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The average salary of a radiology technologist in Idaho is $51,190. Most workers make between $39,460 and $66,750. Many factors influence salary. Most people start out below the mean and work up. It helps to have specialty certifications and to work in a premier institution like a specialty hospital or university. Doctor’s offices are among the lowest paying employers.

Geography has some impact on salary. The non-metropolitan areas in the Eastern part of the state have slightly lower salaries, averaging $45,600.

Contact Information for Professional Organizations and Certification Organizations

  • Credentialing Agency: American Registry of Radiologic Technologists

Click Here to visit their website.

  • Professional Organization: The Idaho Society of Radiologic Technologists

Click Here to visit the website

  • Professional Organization: Idaho Section for Magnetic Resonance Technologists

Click Here to visit the website