Radiologic Technologist Schools and Certification in California

Interested in becoming a radiologic technologist in California? You begin the process by completing a program at a board-approved school. Find accredited radiology technology schools and related programs. California has adopted the standards of the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT). However, schools not accredited by JRCERT may be acceptable if they meet similar standards. You will find a list of board-approved radiology technology schools on the board site.

Beginning in 2015, candidates for national certification will need to have at least an associate’s degree. Your degree doesn’t necessarily have to be in radiography – a certificate is adequate if you have a degree in another subject. Having a degree in another field may provide for some diversification and additional professional opportunites. Explore health care degrees in California as well as additional radiography related programs.

Before you can be licensed, you will need to pass an exam through the ARRT: either the licensing exam or the national certification exam. Holding national certification can be an employment advantage. If you are taking the licensing exam, you will need to send your application and fees to the board before you test. You will be expected to pass the exam within 180 days of the time you are approved.

You can find study tools on the California Society of Radiologic Technologists site.

If you are interested in a limited permit, you will not be subject to the same standards. There are currently four board-approved California programs that lead to limited licensure. Some combine medical assisting with radiology technician training. These programs may be referred to as medical specialties programs. Find radiological technology schools and related programs.

Radiologic Technologist Specialty Certifications in California

Additional permits are required to practice fluoroscopy or mammography. In order to earn the fluoroscopy permit, you’ll need to demonstrate that you’ve had appropriate education. If you have not received a diploma or certificate from a fluoroscopy program, you will need to provide evidence that you’ve had an equivalent curriculum. You will also find a list of fluoroscopy programs on the site of the California Department of Public Health Radiologic & Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification.

In order to be certified in mammography, you need to pass one of two ARRT exams: the state Mammographic Radiologic Technology Examination or the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists examination in Mammography. (The latter will also give you national certification.) If you have not taken the certifying exam, you will need to document 40 hours of continuing education in mammography to the California board.

Radiologic Technologist Career Outlook in CA

Radiology technology can be a lucrative career. California is the second highest paying state, with a mean salary of $68,650. There is a good deal of variation from region to region within the state. The Vallejo-Fairfield area reports an average of $87,460. The Oakland, San Francisco, and San Jose metropolitan areas also report average salaries above $80,000.

Technologists generally need to spend some years on the job to reach mean salary levels. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that job prospects are best for technologists who can perform multiple specialized tests.

California has a concentration of workers somewhat below the national average. However, 21% growth has been projected. Employment varies greatly from region to region within the state. The Hanford area has an especially high concentration of workers. Redding, Fairfield, and Vallejo-Chico are also significantly above the national average. California’s size translates into a huge number of workers: 17,170.

California Radiologic Technologist Resources

  • California Radiologic Technologist Licensing Board

California Department of Public Health Radiologic & Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification:
Click Here to visit their site.

  • California Radiologic Technologist Professional Organization

California Society of Radiologic Technologists:
Click Here to visit their site.