Radiologic Technologist Schools and Certification in Arkansas

Interested in the growing field of radiology technology? Arkansas licenses radiology technologists at two levels. You may already have a grasp on this information. Find an accredited Radiology Technology school in Arkansas.

Full Radiologic Technologist License in Arkansas

In order to be licensed as a Radiologic Technologist and perform the full range of tests, including specialized procedures like CT and mammography, you will need to enroll in an accredited radiology technology program. Unless you already have an academic degree, you should enroll in a degree-granting program at the associate’s level or higher. (You do have the option of doing a bachelor’s.)

Programs can be somewhat competitive. Admission criteria will vary, but the committee may consider test scores, health care observations and experience, as well as grades in general education classes. Since you’ll be putting in hours in a health care setting, you may be asked to have a drug test.

You will practice a number of clinical procedures during your time as a student. In order to be eligible for national certification, you will need to verify successful completion of radiology technology procedures in a number of areas.

After you complete your studies, you will take the national registry examination through the ARRT. This exam also leads to national certification. After you apply to take the licensing exam, you will receive a candidate status report from the ARRT which gives you a 90 day testing window and information about scheduling. You can find a candidate handbook on the ARRT site.

While you are waiting to take and pass the examination, you may work under a temporary license. The temporary license is good for six months and may be renewed. There is an application form available on the site of the Arkansas board. On the application form, you will include basic information about your legal, professional, and educational background.

If you hold licensure in a state that has similar or higher requirements, you may be eligible for a reciprocal license (without needing to take any further examinations). The board has currently approved the following states: Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nebraska, Tennessee, Texas and West Virginia. There is a license verification form in the application packet; you may use this if you’ve ever held licensing anywhere.

Limited Radiologic Technologist License

You can get a Limited Licensed Technologist license by passing the Limited Scope Examination in the particular area(s) you will be doing x-rays — for example, chest, spine, or podiatry. You might choose this path if you are already employed as a health care assistant in one of these offices. You should be aware, however, that with licensure at this level, you will not be able to apply for many of the radiology technology positions that you see posted. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that demand is highest for technicians and technologists who have skills in multiple areas.

Radiologic Technologist Career Outlook in Arkansas

There is growing demand for radiology technicians and technologists. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicted 20% growth in Arkansas’ radiology technology industry during the 2008 to 20018 decade.

According to the BLS, radiology technologists in Arkansas enjoyed an annual mean wage of $45,050 in 2011. Wages are highest in Little Rock and in some large metropolitan areas that cross state lines (the greater Memphis and Fayetteville areas).

Radiologic Technologist Professional Resources Contact Information

  • Licensing Agency: Arkansas Medical Radiologic Technology Board of Examiners

Click Here to visit their website

  • Professional Organization: Arkansas Society of Radiologic Technologists

Click Here to visit their website