Radiology Technologist or Technician Certification

Radiology technologists are licensed in about 2/3 of the states. The process varies, but what they generally expect is that you have had adequate training, that your competency has been verified, and that your legal and professional background doesn’t indicate a problem — e.g. that you haven’t had licenses revoked. In many cases, certification with the American Registry of Radiological Technologists (ARRT) is a part of the process. Some state have their own test. They may also have other requirements like HIV/AIDS training. The ARRT is generally involved in some capacity in the licensing process, and you can find links to state boards on their site.

You can become certified with ARRT even if it’s not a mandate in your state. To become certified, you must first provide evidence that you have met the educational prerequisites. This means completing all coursework and clinical requirements. Your program director must verify your eligibility before you sit for the exam. An ethics screening is also part of the process. It is not necessary to report minor transgressions handled in juvenile court, but other misdemeanors or felonies must be reported. Individuals who are unsure about their eligibility may fill out a pre-application screening. The exam is taken via computer and takes about three and a half hours. To maintain your certification, you will need to do continuing education.

Some radiology technologists specialize in various complex procedures. According to the BLS, this improves job prospects. Technicians may take earn certification in bone densitometry, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, or mammography. These certifications can also be earned through the ARRT. In order to sit for exams, you must demonstrate appropriate clinical experience. This may come from a formal education program or on-the-job training. Additional certifications will earn you a large block of continuing education units.