Certified Medical Administrative Assistant

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Medical administrative assistants are not required to be state licensed. Certification is voluntary but may help your career search. If you’re considering what certifications to get, do keep in mind the difference between a certificate and a certification. Any organization can issue a certificate at the end of a short course of study. In fact, if you enter “medical administrative assistant certification” into Google, you’ll find a slew of certificate programs. In order to be valuable, however, a certification must hold weight with employers.

It’s good to go with a certification that’s known nationally. There will be some regional variance, and you might want to look at some job ads in your own area. Two of the better known names in credentialing are the American Medical Technologists (AMT) and the National Healthcareers Association. AMT offers the Medical Administrative Specialist certification while the NHA offers a Medical Administrative Assistant certification. The initials may be different, but the expected competencies are similar.

There are other organizations that offer certification in specific skills that may fall under the banner of a medical administrative assistant. You can, for instance, become a billing specialist. The American Association of Health Care Administrative Management offers Certified Clinic Account Technician and Certified Clinic Account Manager certifications for workers with experience in patient registration, billing, and accounts. Specialty certifications are generally intended for people who have been on the job a while and want to advance.

Start by exploring medical administrative assistant schools. While researching schools you can learn more about the certification opportunities in medical administration and related career fields.