Cardiovascular Technologist Licensing and Certification

Some states license cardiovascular technologists; others don’t. You will want to look up the board in your own state and find out what the legal requirements are. Even in states that don’t license the profession, employers expect that cardiovascular technologists will be credentialed. Certification is available through the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers or Cardiovascular Credentialing International (CCI). Each organization has a different focus, but there is some overlap.

CCI offers multiple credentials for cardiac technologists and technicians. You are eligible to sit for exams as a Registered Cardiac Sonographer upon completion of an academic program in noninvasive cardiac technology, and for certification as a Registered Vascular Specialist after completion of a program in invasive cardiac technology. There are other specialty certifications. Certification as a Registered Congenital Cardiac Sonographer is for those who have completed a program specifically for congenital/ pediatric cardiac ultrasound. If you don’t have an education specifically geared toward the specialty, you will still be eligible to sit for exams if you have sufficient work experience. How much experience is required is dependent on the level of degree you have. Certifications are renewed every three years. Continuing education is required. CCI will accept CEUs approved by any of a number of providers; there is a list on the site.

The American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers offers the RVT (Registered Vascular Technologist) and RDCS (Registered Diagnostic Cardiac Sonographer) certifications. The RDCS also has corresponding specialty exams in adult, pediatric, and fetal echocardiography. You can find study guide online.