Tennessee Radiologic Technologist Schools

Tennessee licenses radiology technologists at several levels. You can become a limited x-ray operator after completing a relatively short program and taking the limited scope examination. You will be limited to x-raying particular areas of the body. If you want to perform the full range of procedures that fall under the scope of a radiology technologist (as defined by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists), you will need national certification. Many positions require this level of credentialing.

Your first step will be finding an educational program that has been approved by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. You can search for programs on the ARRT site or on the site of JRCERT. Most of the state’s programs are offered at the associate’s level. The ARRT still certifies radiology technologists who hold only a certificate but starting in 2015, an academic degree will be required. If you already hold a degree at the associate’s level, though, a certificate will be just fine.

If you are accepted into a program, you may soon be out in the field learning and practicing. You’ll want to distinguish yourself – opportunities come early. Some Tennessee health institutions advertise for junior or senior radiology technology students.
Before you can be certified by the ARRT, you will need to go through an ethics screening and pass a written examination, which is administered via computer. You can begin the paperwork process when you’re in the final three months of your program.

Bone Densitometry Certification in Tennessee

Tennessee requires ARRT-certified radiology technologists to pursue additional certification before performing bone densitometry procedures. There are two options: You can go through the licensing procedure for a limited scope bone densitometry machine operator or pursue bone densitometry certification through the ARRT.

Limited bone densitometry equipment operators take a board-approved course which includes at least 24 clock hours of training. They also complete machine-specific training and take the Limited Bone Densitometry Equipment Operators Examination through the ARRT.
If you are seeking the additional certification through the ARRT, you will need to complete all mandated clinical procedures. Beginning in 2016, there will be an additional requirement for structured education.

Radiologist Assistant Licensing – TN

With additional education, you can become a radiologist assistant. For this, you’ll need a bachelor’s degree. Credentialing is a multi-step process. You must hold credentialing as a radiology technologist before you can be certified as a radiologist assistant. When it comes time to apply for your Tennessee license, you’ll submit a copy of your ARRT card as well as a copy of your Advanced Cardiac Life Support certification. Your supervising radiologist will also need to fill out some paperwork.

Career Outlook for Radiologic Technologists in Tennessee

Radiology technology is a lucrative career. Tennessee’s radiology technologists have an average salary of $48,930. The highest wages in the state are in the Memphis area. Here radiologic technologists average $51,630. The average salary in the greater Nashville area also tops $50,000.

Of course there are many factors besides geography that influence salary: work setting, specialty certifications, years spent on the job. There is some interplay between these factors as premier institutions often want experienced workers with expertise in a particular branch of the field. Columbia State Community College reports that graduates typically start out making between $30,000 and $36,000, and that there are plenty of opportunities for advancement. Currently, the greatest concentration of radiology technologists is in the Johnson City area.

Tennessee Radiology Technology Licensing and Professional Organizations Contact Information

  • Licensing Agency: Tennessee Department of Health: X-ray Operators

Click Here to visit their website.

  • Professional Organization: Tennessee Society of Radiologic Technologists

Click Here to visit the website

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