North Dakota Radiologic Technologist Schools

Education is the foundation for a career in radiology technology. In North Dakota you will find two very different types of program, leading to different levels of licensing. General diagnostic programs are designed for students who intend to pursue radiography as a career; previous health certification or training is not necessarily expected. General diagnostic operators can carry out a full range of procedures.

Limited scope training is for individuals who are already working in the health care arena but want to expand their scope of duty to include some radiographic procedures.

Becoming a General Diagnostic Operator in North Dakota

If you want to be a general diagnostic operator, you should enroll in a 24-month program. There is also a bachelor’s option — you do coursework at the University of Mary and then a two year internship at one of the partner medical schools.
You will have opportunities to make professional connections while you are doing your field work. You may also wish to join a professional association like the North Dakota Society of Radiologic Technologists.

Generally, you need to attain certification through the ARRT, or at the least, be registry-eligible to be a general diagnostic operator. The board does reserve the right to license technologists that it judges to have appropriate or equivalent education.
You may get your license while you’re still enrolled if you have already met competency standards in all areas. You should be aware that many employers do ask that you maintain current registration with the ARRT. You get your initial certification after you have completed program requirements and passed an ethics screening and a computer-based examination. You maintain registration by taking continuing education, upholding ethics standards, and submitting the required paperwork and fees.

Limited Licensing

Limited scope training is for those who have training as nurses, emergency medical technicians or paramedics, physical or occupational therapists or assistants, medical technologists or technicians, physician assistants, or orthopedic assistants. If you have the requisite health care background, you’ll need 80 hours of didactic instruction in radiography. The board has specified how many hours you must have in particular areas, from physics to radiation protection. In addition to the limited scope training course, you must have a three hour course through the State Department of Health.

You must also meet clinical requirements. One option is to work under direct supervision for at least three months. The other option is to do 120 hours of clinical training at a facility that handles at least 50 procedures a week and then work for three months under probationary status. During probationary training, you can carry out procedures independently (so long as they’re ones that you’ve demonstrated competency in). However, a qualified person will need to review all your films and provide six hours a week of direct supervision.

As a limited license holder, you generally do basic x-rays, but there are some instances where you may have your scope of duty increased. This is at the request of a health professional and is subject to the approval of the board.

Career Outlook for Radiologic Technologists in North Dakota

Job prospects should be good for skilled radiology technologists. North Dakota Workforce projections has anticipated 15% occupational growth between 2008 and 2018.
North Dakota radiology technologists had an average salary of $46,270 in 2011, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The highest reported wages were in the Fargo area. Rural areas tend to have slightly lower wages.

ND Radiology Technology Licensing and Professional Organizations Contact Information

  • Licensing Agency: North Dakota Department of Health Radiation Control

Click Here to visit their website.

  • Professional Organization: North Dakota Society of Radiologic Technologists

Click Here to visit the website

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