New York Radiologic Technologist Schools

Are you Interested in becoming a radiology technologist in New York? This career path will typically take two to three years. You should begin by looking for a school that meets the standards of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists. The New York board maintains a list of schools that it has reviewed and approved; they’re grouped by program types and setting (hospital or college). The list even includes a few schools in neighboring states.

Your program will include academic work and field work. Internships will give you a chance to begin building your career. There are other things you can do to distinguish yourself while you’re a student. You may want to become active in the New York Society of Radiologic Technologists. There are essay and poster competitions plus a Student Bowl.
After you complete your educational requirements, you can take the ARRT examination and apply for New York licensing. If you’re applying for a permanent license, you’ll include proof that you’ve passed the required exam.

You don’t have to wait until you’ve taken and passed the examination to begin work. You can get a temporary license that’s good for 180 days. If you don’t pass the exam on a first attempt, however, your permit will expire ten days after notification. (The New York board allows candidates up to three examination attempts; at that point, additional study is required.)

The application will also include professional fitness and compliance questions. You will need to report any criminal background unless you were a juvenile at the time. The board will consider mitigating circumstances and evidence of character when making decisions. Child support status also must be reported.

Information for Out-of-State Applicants – New York

If you are coming from a state that doesn’t use the ARRT as a licensing exam, you will need to pursue ARRT certification before applying for New York licensure. If you completed an accredited course outside New York or are coming off of active service with the United States military, you may qualify for a temporary permit — you need to meet qualifications to take the exam, but you don’t necessarily have to have it completed.

If you got your training in a foreign country, you may be able to enter a New York program with advanced placement status — look on the board site for a list of schools that grant advanced status.

Additional Certifications and Licenses for NY Radiologic Technologists

You may also seek an intravenous contrast media administration certificate. You will need to meet the board’s training requirements for needle and catheter injection, CPR, and adverse reactions. This certification can make you competitive for a wider range of hospital positions. The ARRT census lists 13,680 radiographers, but only a minority have contrast media authority. Erie County, for example, lists 1,074 technologists in radiography, but just 196 with contrast media authority.

With additional education, you can move up to “special assistant” status. This requires a baccalaureate or post-bachelor’s certificate.

Career Outlook

The mean salary for New York radiology technologists is $63,860, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Workers in the east central nonmetropolitan part of New York have somewhat lower wages. The highest salary averages in the state are in the Poughkeepsie-Newburgh-Middletown area. Here radiology technologists average $67,950.
Statewide, 9% occupational growth has been predicted for the 2008 to 2018 decade. The Utica-Rome metropolitan area has the highest concentration of workers in the state.

New York Licensing and Professional Organizations Contact Information

  • Licensing Agency: New York State Department of Health Radiologic Technology

Click Here to visit their website.

  • Professional Organization: New York Society of Radiologic Technologists

Click Here to visit the website

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