New Jersey Radiologic Technologist Schools

In order to perform diagnostic radiography in New Jersey, you will need to complete a post-secondary program. You should enroll in a program that has been approved by the Radiology Technology Board of Examiners or the Commission on Radiation Protection.

There are multiple levels of licensing. If you want to become a diagnostic radiologic technologist and perform the full scope of duties, you will enroll in a two year program. At this level JRCERT is the programmatic accrediting agency.
Some of your educational will typically take place in an academic setting; some will take place in hospitals or health care centers out in the community. Your school will document that you have completed the required radiology procedures. This is important for certification purposes.

In order to be licensed by New Jersey, you must demonstrate that you are certified by the ARRT or, at the least, have passed the New Jersey licensing exam. The exam is administered by the ARRT and is available, in a computerized format, at testing centers around the country. The New Jersey board allows up to four examination attempts, though a remedial course is required after the third.
You should be aware that employers often prefer that you maintain current registration with the ARRT.

The application is fairly short, but you will need to provide some details about your education and employment. You will also sign a moral character statement. You will need to get your application notarized and send it to the board along with the required fees.
You may be granted a reciprocal license if you have a license in a state with equivalent requirements. If your program was not JRCERT-accredited or previously approved by the New Jersey board, you will need to submit quite a bit of additional material including syllabi and clinical education information. You can find a list of education credentials evaluation services on the board site. (The board notes that if you graduated from a program that wasn’t JRCERT-accredited, but have been working in the field, you should include references with your application.)

Additional Radiologic Certifications

The requirements for mammography are somewhat higher. You will need to complete 40 hours of training specific to the modality. You may find better employment options if you maintain ARRT registration in mammography as well as radiography. The ARRT census reports that there are 1,811 mammography technologists in the state.

Some technologists, it should be noted, hold certification in multiple specialties. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that this can increase employment options.

Limited Diagnostic Radiologic Technologist Licenses

Some x-rays are carried out by health care workers who have completed relatively short training programs; these programs focus on issues like safety and basic patient care and on procedures that are specific to particular areas of the body. If you’re already working in a health care setting, you may pursue this level of licensing to increase your options. It is possible to apply for a limited license in any of several areas: chest, dental, orthopedic, urologic, or podiatric.

Career Outlook for Radiologic Technologists in New Jersey

New Jersey radiologic technologists enjoy a mean salary of $63,750, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Salaries are fairly similar across much of the state. In Camden, though, the average is just $59,730. During the 2008 to 2018 decade, the occupation should see 9% growth.

Contact Information for Professional Organizations and Certification Organizations

  • Licensing Agency: Department of Environmental Protection

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