Michigan Radiologic Technologist Schools

Michigan does not license radiology technologists. In most cases, it’s the employers who set the standards (or at least determine what credentialing agencies will be accepted as standard setters). Often, employers specify that, as a candidate, you must hold certification or registration through the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. Sometimes it’s enough to be eligible – health care centers may stipulate that you be registry-eligible and willing to pursue certification within a specified time frame.

What does this mean to you as a future technologist? You should enroll in an accredited program that meets the ARRT’s curriculum standards. If your program is accredited by JCERT, you can expect that it will cover everything you need. Make sure, at the least, that your school holds institutional accreditation through a recognized accrediting agency. Find radiology technology schools in Michigan and programs in related fields.

There are a variety of options. Programs may be offered in partnership between schools and hospitals. Some have advanced placement options for those who already have some radiology technology experience. There may be prerequisites. Schools will look for successful performance in classes like algebra. The pre-screening process may also include a background check. (Ultimately, certification requires passing an ethics screening by the ARRT.)

As a prospective radiology technologist, you will spend quite a bit of time out in the field, working under supervision. Once you’ve completed training requirements, you will take a certification exam. You may mail in your application when you’re in the final three months of your program.

You should be aware that certification is a first step, but ARRT registration entails a bit more. You maintain your registration by meeting continuing competency requirements and submitting the necessary paperwork and fees. Many employers do ask that you maintain registration — this ensures, among other things, that you continue to meet the ARRT’s ethics standards.

Employers typically also expect you to hold CPR/BLS certification.

Mammography Licensing/ Certification

An exception to the above is mammography. A technologist who performs mammography must complete a short department-approved training program unless they are certified in mammography through the American Registry of Radiography Technologists.

Prospective technologists should be aware that ARRT certification takes quite a bit of education – mammography is a post-primary certification that one pursues after being certified as a radiographer.

Radiologic Technologist Career Outlook in Michigan

Demand for radiology technologists in Michigan has been projected to increase 12% between 2008 and 2018. 160 job openings have been anticipated on an annual basis. Currently, Michigan employs significantly more than the average number of radiology technologists, when figured on either a total or per-population basis. The Northeast Lower Peninsula has an especially high concentration of workers.

The statewide salary average is $51,900. There is quite a bit of variance from region to region within the state. Battle Creek is the wage leader at $64,000. Even within a small geographic area, though, there can be a wide range of salaries. Experience influences salary in both direct and indirect ways. Grand Rapids Community College notes a starting wage of $15.50 to $18.30 in the western part of the state.

Nationwide, it is considered an advantage to have advanced competencies in multiple specialties.

Contact Information for Professional and Certification Organizations

  • Certifying Agency: American Registry of Radiologic Technologists

Click Here to visit the website.

  • Professional Organization: Michigan Society of Radiologic Technologists

Click Here to visit the website.