Maryland’s Radiologic Technologist Schools and Certification

In some states, there are limited x-ray operators, who have limited training and often a limited set of duties as well. Not so in Maryland! The licensing standards are high, but compensation is high as well. In Maryland, radiographers must be graduates of accredited programs.

If you want to be a general radiographer, your first step is to enroll in a program that holds accreditation through the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology. (If you are interested in nuclear medicine, though, you should look for a program that has been accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Educational Programs in Nuclear Medicine Technology. In Maryland, these two disciplines are licensed separately and have a separate scope of practice.) Find radiologic technologist programs, nuclear medicine technologist programs and related programs in Maryland.

Later you will seek certification through the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. The ARRT will review your education and legal/ ethical status; if approved, you will take a certification exam. You may work under a temporary license while waiting to fulfill examination requirements. However, one of the mandates is that you schedule an exam some time in the three months after graduation.

You may schedule your exam at a Pearson testing center at a time that is convenient for you. Your fee gives you a 90 day window. You will need to allow time for the ARRT to process your testing application. You can actually start the application process before you graduate. If you pass on a first attempt, and within the allotted time, you need only send notification to the board by the license expiration date — you won’t be required to pay another licensing fee at that time. If you do not pass the exam on the first attempt, however, your temporary license will no longer be valid.

The board notes that the licensing process generally takes two to four weeks.

There are specialty certifications that can increase your cope of duty (and salary). The broadest scope of duties is granted to radiologist assistants who have, in cooperation with a radiologist, submitted a request to perform advanced procedures. (Radiology assistants need to complete advanced programs. They must hold bachelor’s degrees – though not necessarily in radiology technology. Some do a post-baccalaureate certification program later.)

Radiologic Technologist Career Outlook

The Bureau of Labor Statistics has reported an average annual wage of $67,930 for Maryland’s radiology technologists. This places the state third highest in the nation. Maryland’s Upper Eastern Shore has the highest wages of any nonmetropolitan region in the nation: $83,220. This region also employs radiology technologists at a rate slightly above the national average (based on population). Premier hospitals draw patients and health care workers alike.

The radiologic technology field is growing at a healthy rate. Statewide, 19% growth was anticipated over the course of the 2008 to 2018 decade. When replacement is figured in, this translates to 140 positions opening annually.

Radiologic Technologist Professional Resources in Maryland

  • Licensing Agency: Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Board of Physicians

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  • Professional Organizations: Maryland Society of Radiologic Technologists

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  • MidEastern Chapter of the Society of Nuclear Medicine

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